Monday, May 19

Stage 1 of College Education Complete...

...2 more stages left.

I finally graduated from Red Rocks community College on Saturday, after three years of faithful academic diligence. Thank god I'm done! I loved it there, but if my last semester showed me anything, it's that things can't stay the same forever. I couldn't be a straight A student in every class and have fantastic teachers for every class either. I'm very lucky though, I had only one shitty teacher in my three years there, but a few teachers that really need to learn how to teach properly. If there is one thing that has stuck in my mind so far in learning to become a teacher, it is that a teacher should never assume, anything. A lot of the teachers I've had at RRCC have assumed many things, that they have a smart class or that we have all of the information that we need stored away in our brains. Not all of us can keep every ounce of information in our brains that is thrown at us. Hence why when a teacher assumes, they make an ass out of themselves, be it to one student, or many.
But I digress. I am so happy to finally have a degree under my belt, even if it is only an AA. I look forward to continuing at Metro State in the fall (I'm sure I'll encounter bullshit there too) and getting my BA in Environmental Science. I see a bright future ahead, for myself and my family. I also plan to grow in many areas of my life: as a parent, a partner, a photographer and most importantly as a person, as I progress along the path of education, in academia and in life. I wish myself, and those of us out there striving for the same things I am, good luck!

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